The last thing I wrote about the car is that the exterior was almost finished. Then COVID happened, the Carbage Run got postponed (twice) and the car sat under a cover for a little over two years.

We were a bit disappointed (to say the least) when we found what these two years did to the vinyl wrap, even though the car was under a cover for the entire time. The once orange vinyl faded to yellow-ish, like the orange juice at a cheap hotel’s breakfast buffet. Some parts came loose and it shrank.
We also had a flat tire. It seemed it had been flat for quite some time and it needed to be replaced. The battery was obviously dead, too. The headliner also came loose. It didn’t just sag a little, it was completely loose. So we ended up removing it from the car, glueing it back on and mounting it again.

When removing the cover, we found two kittens underneath. Probably somewhere between one and two weeks old. Their mother came to get one of them, but she left the other. We called in professional help and we hope to be able to adopt him/her in about two months.